Enfin c'est ce qu'on m'a dit...
Pour l'instant j'en suis encore à l'étape -1 :
Tentative de dresser une liste des cours à suivre là-bas...qui pourraient être validés à Paul Valéry par la suite...
Aïe Aïe
Des heures d'emails...
Aperçu :
" (...) 0950 High-Intermediate Structure (4sh)Provides students with a review of compound tenses, the passive voice, and more complex structures. Corequisites: ESL 0930 and 0940.
Pour les cours de langue, je ne suis pas sûre mais il me semble quecela compte déjà pour 3 cours auxquels il faut rajouter un cours de civi, ce qui me ferait déjà un total de 4 cours seulement pourl'anglais. Or je veux aussi suivre au moins 2 cours pour l'arabe et unautre pour l'économie (voir même encor eun de plus pourl'informatique).
J'ai trouvé des cours qui pourraient valider la civi britannique :
3491 Topics in Modern European History(4 sh) :
Intensive exploration of a particular theme within the history modern Europe.Emphasis on developing the requisite skills for historical inquiry. (...) "
I'm going to Chicago...
That's what I've been told...
Right now I haven't even reach the first step of this crazy adventure.
At the moment I'm trying to find some courses at my American university that could meet with the ones I should have followed in Montpellier...so that the exams passed in the US can be recognized in France and my licence validated.
And that means houuuuurs of emailing...
Example of one of these mails :
Don Wagner to me:
"This will be 4 semester hours. I'm copying our Arabic professor on this. I'm assuming you will be in the second year Arabic: 2010-2020. We will have a course in Politics and Government: Politics of the Middle East; the other: Peace and Conflict Transformation 3000 is full, but you could take it second semester. Also second semester will be "Children of Abraham" (Islam, Judaism, and early Christianity) and "Palestine and Palestinian Christianity" (a historical and religious study of Palestine and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. D.Wagner"
------Original Message-----From: Claire Jeannet [mailto:claire.jeannet@gmail.com]Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 11:32 AMTo: Wagner, DonSubject: Re: Arabic1020.Memo to Curriculum CommitteeThank you for your quick answering !Yes I'd like to studying Arabic in Fall (2007) and also in Spring (2008).I am currently on my 2nd year of studies, with 7.5 hours of Arabiccourses per week, in class we study grammar, but also a bit oflitterature : this semester we worked on texts extracted from the bookرجال في الشمس by غسان كنفاني . I also study courses (taught in Arabicand a little in French) of economy and the political news on AlJazeera.I'll have to read it more carefully but I think the ARABIC 2010 2020are corresponding the best to my current skills.How many weekly hours is this course ?Are there other courses in the departement of the Middle Eastern Studies?
... easy ... !